
Center for contemporary art
and Artists’ residency

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Resident and associate artists


Screening for the Festival Art Explora

The Art Explora Festival is an itinerant festival that travels the world’s seas and oceans with its museum boat, offering innovative artistic and cultural experiences accessible free of charge. From spring 2024 to autumn 2026, the museum boat will travel to 15 countries in the Mediterranean, bringing together artists, curators, cultural, associative and educational organizations. At each stage, a curator from the country organizes a unique and varied cultural program in partnership with local institutions, associations and artists.

For its stage in Marseille, Triangle-Asterides is invited to program a cycle of film screenings curated by Marie de Gaulejac, from June 6 to 18:

- Ayo, Singing off key, 2022, 15min 41 with the support of the Mondriaan Fonds
Ayo is a visual artist born in Uganda and based in the Netherlands. In her work, Ayo focuses on the body as an archive and works with people living in nomadic locations to create plural narratives within multimedia outcomes encompassing film, sculpture and performance. Resident in Triangle-Asterides, Marseille in 2021.

- Harilay Rabenjamina, Is this my bio, 2021, Series of 4 episodes, 22min 25, Co-production Triangle-Asterides
Harilay Rabenjamina’s work takes the form of films, performances, installations and musical compositions. These different ways of staging are opportunities to tell the story of characters whose registers of appearance and expression are always called into question and questions the need to be audible and visible. Resident in Triangle-Asterides, Marseille in 2021

- Melika Shafahi, The Spacers, 2019, 20min 22s
Melika Shafahi respectful of her models, crosses moments, lives, different communities including her own, and engages through photography and video to fix otherness. A work of kindness and on the ground where for hours and months, the artist meets and listens to intimacies and dreams. Melika offers an ultra-sensitive journey on Iranian youth and their immigration. Resident at Friche la belle de mai in 2018.

- Yuyan Wang, One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean, 2021, 11min 30 
Yuyan Wang’s work oscillates between film and installation, often from an immersive perspective. His works focus on the mutation of elementary materials and are interested in the industrial production chain of images whose endless development results in a form of abstraction of reality. Poetic and political, his approach is intended to be an x-ray of the changes that productivist modernity has experienced since the beginning of the 21st century. Her practice of recycling images then participates in a form of diversion from economies of attention. Resident in Triangle-Asterides, Marseille in 2022