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Good People TV - épisode 1

Online screening of Ndayé Kouagou’s film (French only)

Video presented as part of the Parallèle festival, from January 26 to February 12, 2021.

Ndayé Kouagou’s proposal for the festival Parallèle 2021, in partnership with Triangle - Astérides, Centre d’art contemporain, is a fictitional and entirely digital programme. For this occasion, Ndayé Kouagou, former resident at Triangle - Astérides, launches the first episode of his series.

Good People TV
Episode 1: Faut-il se construire dans l’opposition ? [Should We Build Ourselves Through Opposition?]

“Confusing and complex times call for equally confusing and complex stances, but don’t worry—I’m here to guide you. On Good People TV, I’ll answer your questions, all of them, and help you become a better person. To assist you even further, I’ll provide the questions worth asking. The first one is: Should we build ourselves through opposition?” (translation from French)

Ndayé Kouagou is an artist based in Paris, his practice always starts from texts of which he is the author. Voluntarily or involuntarily confused, he tries as best as he can to bring a reflection on these 3 subjects; legitimacy, freedom and love. The result is… what it is. He describes his work as “quite interesting, but not that interesting or maybe not interesting at all”.
He has presented his work among others at Auto Italia South East (London), Centrale Fies (Dro/Italy) and Lafayette Anticipation (Paris) where he also launched his publishing project YBR* (Young Black Romantics).

Commande et coproduction : Triangle – Astérides, Centre d’art contemporain et Festival Parallèle
Direction artistique : Axel Pelletanche
Réalisation : Romain Cieutat
Voix : Rebekka Deubner