
Center for contemporary art
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No Drama or Suspens

Group exhibition witj Mégane Brauer, Paul Chochois, Juliette Déjoué, Côme Di Meglio, Abdessamad El Montassir, Estel Fonseca, Basile Ghosn, Samir Laghouati-Rashwan, Sophie T. Lvoff , Manoela Medeiros, Eva Medin, Nicolas Nicolini, Aurélien Potier, Hanna Rochereau et Flore Saunois

Curated by Marie de Gaulejac, Florence Gosset, Victorine Grataloup et Camille Ramanana Rahary, assisted par Laurie Oxenford
June 23 - September 24, 2023, public opening on Thursday June 22 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
R4, Friche la Belle de Mai

Click here to read the exhibition’s guide

An exhibition commissioned and produced by Triangle – Astérides, centre d’art contemporain d’intérêt national.

Co-production with la SCIC Friche Belle de Mai, in partnership Les Ateliers de la Ville de Marseille, Picto Méditerranée

Fifteen artists with various practices and aesthetics are brought together in the exhibition No Drama or Suspense — Durational Conditions: what they share is a workspace, Marseilles’ City Studios. Triangle-Astérides accompanies them, following their research and questions — from the most theoretical to the most mundane and material. It’s an «activity anchored in the folds of the present, constantly renewed», inviting us not to consider artistic production and works as innovation or rupture but rather to pay attention to the «gigantic work of continuity».

Le soin des choses*, written by sociologists Jérôme Denis and David Pontille, under whose aegis the exhibition is placed, proposes this attention shift. They argue that maintenance, defined as «the art of making things last», functions «as a decentering (or refocusing) conductor of our gaze. Placing material fragility in the foreground, it makes us receptive to the modulations and degradations at work in the material fabric of human societies”.

Following their proposition, No Drama or Suspense — Durational Conditions places the works in conversation with a whole body of work «usually left aside, remaining in the shadows of exhibitions, assigned tospaces and times when the audience is absent from»: the work of the persons whose actions and skills «ensure the material conditions of art.»

The various maintenance operators will share their voices and experiences, usually unavailable to the audience to be heard, through guided tours throughout the course of the exhibition.

* All the quotations are from Le soin des choses. Politiques de la maintenance, éditions La Découverte, 2022. In order of appearance in the text: pages 29, 37, 11, 25, 32, 33.