
Center for contemporary art
and Artists’ residency

About us
Artistic program
Resident and associate artists
Portrait of Sacha Rey

Sacha Rey

01 January to 28 February 2024
Portrait of Sacha Rey

in residence at Hangar with the support of the Ramon Llull Institute and the French Embassy in Spain

Sacha Rey is a visual artist, director, performer and researcher born in 1991 in Nice. They define themself as a non-binary, transgender, white, neuro-divergent and queer. Their pronoms are they or he- them or his. Since 2016, they wear blue lipstick on a daily basis. They graduated with the Congratulations of the Jury at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2019. In 2021, they defended a master thesis with merits about “documentary dance” at l’EHESS (l’école des hautes études en sciences sociale). They are currently resident at Artagon Marseille, where they have their studio.

About the residency

The Hangar research and artistic production center in Barcelona (Spain) and Triangle-Asterides, a contemporary art center of national interest in Marseille (France), are joining forces for a cross-artistic research residency program in the field of visual arts in all media.

About Hangar

Hangar is a center committed to maintaining (generating, updating, revising and supporting) the conditions necessary to facilitate research and artistic production towards critical forms of speculation and practices capable of addressing the pressing questions and debates facing the society is currently facing.

For Hangar, art is a means of producing knowledge. From this perspective, she defends art research as a category of research in its own right, with its own way of finding and producing knowledge. Hangar seeks to support content creators at every stage of their research and artistic production processes by providing them with a multitude of tools and services (some of which are managed by Hangar and others by its resident collectives) to help them to access conceptual, contextual information, the semiotic, material and technical information they need and constitute a framework for experimentation and free transfer of knowledge.

Hangar is an artistic governance project managed by Fundació Privada AAVC and mainly financed by the Regional Government of Catalonia and Barcelona City Hall.