Fanny Lallart
Fanny Lallart was born in 1995 in Lyon (FR). She lives and works in Montreuil (FR). The work of Fanny Lallart (FR) revolves around the sharing of words and transmission, through a resolutely feminist perspective. Thinking in a group, meeting the actors of alternatives to dominant systems, learning collectively from each other, constitutes the essential part of his practice. Writing, editing and sound recording are tools that she particularly enjoys. In 2019, she wrote a collection entitled 11 texts on free work, art and love for her final diploma at the Cergy arts school on the economic issues of her work. She conducted a research residency at the CAC de Brétigny in 2020 and 2021, “The poetry inside of me is warm like a gun” on questions of justice and reparation. To this day, gathering people she loves around a table, a bed, or a printer is what feels most meaningful to her.